Recommended First Line Treatment for Bedwetting

by Clinical Pediatrics and Journal of Pediatric Urology

How Keeping the Bed Dry® works...

  1. Watch the videos with your child.

  2. Your child does downloadable homework and practices independently.

  3. Your child tracks his or her progress.

Use a computer, tablet, or phone, whichever works for you.

Video: How Keeping the Bed Dry® works.

Research Scientists Agree: Keeping the Bed Dry® is Medically Proven as an Effective Bedwetting Solution.

We always knew that Keeping the Bed Dry® had helped hundreds of families (see our testimonials), and a recently published medical study gave us data proving it’s effectiveness for treating bedwetting. 

“Self-Guided Medical Hypnosis Will Improve the Number of Dry Days Per Month in Children with PMNE (Bedwetting)” was published in Clinical Pediatrics, a well-respected, peer-reviewed medical journal.

In this study, Keeping the Bed Dry® was used to evaluate the effectiveness of medical hypnosis as a first-line therapy in children with bedwetting. This means that no other methods had been tried prior to using the program. The usual bedwetting solutions are the bed alarm or desmopressin (DDAVP).  

Children, aged 8-15 years, were in the study. Prior to using the program, the average number of dry nights per month was 8.

One month after using the program, this increased to 13, and the 3rd month average was 16 dry nights.

This means that on average, participants doubled their dry nights!

Because the patients did this on their own, with no other interventions, they felt proud and empowered.

Dr. Bayne stated, “If one were to craft an ideal treatment for children with PMNE (bedwetting), it would likely be risk free, effective at reducing wet nights, minimally impactful on child and family, eliminate transportation barriers, and be cost effective at the same time improving self-esteem and the overall quality of life for the child.  This program seems to meet those criteria.”

Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals recommend Keeping the Bed Dry®

Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2024  – click here.

Clinical Pediatric, 2023  – click here.

Keeping the Bed Dry® doubled the number of dry nights in new medical study!

“Since the therapy is done entirely by the child, without physician or parent intervention, with the ease of using an online format, we suggest this be considered as a first line therapy for PMNE (bedwetting) in select motivated children.”

~ Dr. Aaron Bayne, MD
Pediatric Urologist 
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

The research study was conducted by the Division of Pediatric Urology at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon under the leadership of Dr. Aaron Bayne, MD, pediatric urologist and Associate Professor of Urology at Oregon Health and Science University.

His study showed that Keeping the Bed Dry® was as effective as medication or the bedwetting alarm.

Dr. Bayne feels that Keeping the Bed Dry® empowers individuals because they can say, “I did this on my own,” with no medication and no alarm. And, this increases their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Here’s what happy parents have to say about Keeping the Bed Dry®

"This has been great for our 7-year-old. He’s been dry most nights now after completing the program.”

- KTBD Family

"My daughter became completely dry in less than 4 months!"

- Parent of 9-year-old

"This program changed his life. It changed all of our lives. Thank you."

- Parent of 14-year-old

"I saw my son take control of something that had control of him."

- Parent of 9-year-old

"This experience has boosted my son’s confidence...he feels empowered, capable and grown-up."

- Pediatrician and Mom

Watching this program seemed to be the only thing that helped my 10 year old son, and he had pretty much lost hope before watching it.

My son was very resistant to the program. It was a struggle just to get him to watch it, and he did not really follow most of the instructions.

Still, despite all of that, he sat through it and miraculously started to have fewer wetting accidents as soon as he started watching. The number of accidents continued to decrease over the next few weeks.

Two months after completing the program, he still occasionally has accidents, but he went from nearly every night to maybe once a week at most, so we are extremely grateful!

– Parent of 10-year-old