Recommended First Line Treatment for Bedwetting

by Clinical Pediatrics and Journal of Pediatric Urology


Thank you, Dr. Lazarus, for this fabulous program. My daughter, age 9, really wanted to go to sleep away camp this summer. She is my youngest of 4. All my others trained at night on the later side too but without any difficulty. However, this has been a long and completely unsuccessful process until starting your program.

Within the first month of starting Keeping the Bed Dry®, she was waking up dry maybe 50 percent, which was a huge accomplishment as prior to that she wasn’t able to stay dry at all. Second month we saw more success – maybe only one or two wet nights a week. We are so grateful for the finding this program!

As of today, which is 6 months after we started the program, I’m so glad to report that my daughter has been dry the past 2 months! So, she became completely dry in less than 4 months!

We feel confident to send her off for a month to sleep away camp. She is very happy and proud and relieved that she has accomplished this milestone. As parents, we are tremendously grateful that we stumbled upon this program. She had a well checkup at her pediatrician last week and I was explaining to the doctor how she accomplished staying dry. He would like to learn more about this so perhaps he could recommend it to other children in the practice.”

– Parent of 9-year-old

Watching this program seemed to be the only thing that helped my 10 year old son, and he had pretty much lost hope before watching it.

My son was very resistant to the program. It was a struggle just to get him to watch it, and he did not really follow most of the instructions.

Still, despite all of that, he sat through it and miraculously started to have fewer wetting accidents as soon as he started watching. The number of accidents continued to decrease over the next few weeks.

Two months after completing the program, he still occasionally has accidents, but he went from nearly every night to maybe once a week at most, so we are extremely grateful!

– Parent of 10-year-old

All doubt as to if it works or not left me when I saw my son take control of something that had control of him. I was so proud of him and I will be forever grateful to Dr. Lazarus for caring enough about my son to share this gift with him.

– Parent of 9-year-old

At age 14, my son had been wet at night always with no end in sight.

Having undergone several surgeries and medical procedures when he was younger, including tethered cord surgery, we were not sure he would ever achieve nighttime dryness.

Dr. Lazarus’s “Keeping the Bed Dry®” program stood out on a laundry list of standard recommendations given to us as closing paperwork at one urology practice. We had tried everything else on that list, so after about 10 months of consideration, my son was finally ready to commit to the program.

In a few weeks time, he was dry! It felt like a miracle.

I was personally so relieved and grateful to have found a solution—and to have found a source of support. There are no guarantees when it comes to tethered cord surgeries, and no one makes any promises about the outcomes or offers any continued support.

We felt alone in this until we found Dr. Lazarus and his program. The method is a guiding light and touchstone that my son has woven into his psyche.

It changed his life. It changed all of our lives. Thank you.

– Parent of 14-year-old

I wanted to let you know how your program “Keeping the Bed Dry®” helped my son in so many ways. When he was 3, my son was completely potty-trained during the day. By 5 years old, he was dry at night. However, he became ill and needed to be hospitalized at that age. He left the hospital on medications that he took for many months, some of which made him gain weight. With this, he also began wetting the bed again at night. It was a source of shame for him, and it frustrated him that he could not have sleepovers with his friends. His younger sister became dry overnight in the meantime, and this further bothered him and made him feel ashamed.

As a Pediatrician and mother of five children, I felt I needed to explore every opportunity to assist him in getting dry. We tried everything to help: We were waking him at midnight and walking him (like a zombie) to the potty, but he didn’t even remember going when he woke up in the morning, and he had still filled his Pull-Up. We tried setting an alarm so that he would take more responsibility for waking himself, but most of the time one of his siblings tired of hearing the buzzing and got up to turn it off after about 5-10 minutes of him sleeping right through the noise. We tried DDAVP (Desmopressin), and maxed out on the dose, but no change occurred. We went to see the urologist, and were told everything was normal. Because we have a strong family history (on both sides) of nighttime wetting, we had just about resigned ourselves to buying Pull-Ups indefinitely. Then, at 9 years old, my son announced he wanted to go to sleep-away camp. So we did some research and found Dr. Lazarus’ video.

My husband and I watched the first portion without our son. Then we watched the next chapters with him. We encouraged him to draw the pictures, do the exercises, practice the mindfulness, and void an extra time before climbing into bed for the night. We also made a beaded bracelet that read, “I got this” to remind him to start and stop the stream during daytime voids to strengthen the muscle and the connection to the brain. It also served to reinforce his autonomy with this undertaking, basically saying that he (not his mom or dad) has this under control. We did not remind him or wake him throughout the night. From the first time he watched the video; he was dry overnight. It has been 3 weeks and we have had only 1 accident (after which he stripped his own bed and announced “I’ll get it right tomorrow night”). No tears, no blaming, no fighting, and no falling apart.

This experience has boosted my son’s confidence in ways that I did not anticipate— he is proud of himself, and feels empowered and capable and grown-up. He wakes up strutting in his boxers in the morning, instead of hiding in the corner, peeling off a wet Pull-Up. What a remarkable talent you have, and what a difference it can make in a child’s life.”

– Pediatrician and Mom from Cleveland, Ohio

My 11 year old son has never been able to be dry more than a few nights/month. Over the years, we have tried everything, 2 types of medication, 3 different styles of alarms, we even had his adenoids removed in case that was interfering with his sleep. The urologist says there is nothing physically wrong with him, he just is such a deep sleeper that he sleeps through his body’s cues to wake up and go to the bathroom (and sleeps right through alarms etc).

This has impacted his life substantially over the years, as he was unwilling to go to sleepovers with friends or camps – even family vacations where we needed to stay in hotel rooms were incredibly stressful for all of us. Recently, he began talking about how hopeless his future seemed as he felt no one would ever want to date or marry him if this problem continued. In desperation, I went back to the internet to see if there was some other solution I had missed and I found the Keeping the Bed Dry® program. I was so skeptical because we had tried so many other things and nothing had worked. But we were willing to give it a try.

We are now just over 2 months into using the program and in the last 30 days, he has only had 3 accidents. We are overjoyed with this progress and I am sure it will continue to improve until he no longer has accidents at all. I honestly would not have believed it if I hadn’t witnessed it myself. His confidence and hope for the future has increased immensely. And the lovely part about it was there were no physical side effects like he experienced with the medication and it didn’t disrupt the sleep of our whole family as the alarms did.

Our family is so grateful to Dr Lazarus for the work and research he put into this program. I have personally made it my mission to let other health professionals in my area know about it so that maybe some other child can be helped in this way as well. I would encourage any parent who is considering the program to just do it!

– Parent of 11-year-old