Recommended First Line Treatment for Bedwetting

by Clinical Pediatrics and Journal of Pediatric Urology

Child & Teen Bedwetting

Child and Teen Bedwetting (or “nocturnal enuresis” as we call it in medicine) is more common than you might think.

You’re not alone.

  • 5-10% of 7-year-olds

  • 5% of 10-year-olds

  • 3% of teenagers still wet the bed

Many families discontinue using the bed alarm systems within one month as they find them disruptive to the family's sleep.

William Kennedy, MD, and Sarah Oppenheim, MS, RN, CPNP Pediatric Urology Specialists at Stanford Children’s Health

If you’ve seen clinicians for child & teen bedwetting, you’ve probably been recommended either medication or an alarm.

Unfortunately, medication can have side effects, which in my mind, make it a last resort. Depending upon which study one reads, medication provides 1-2 more dry nights per week than placebo, but when the medication is discontinued, virtually all of these kids start to have accidents again. Another study stated that medication helps ⅓ of patients, has no effect on ⅓ of patients, and is somewhere in between with the last third.

There is also quite a high placebo effect when using medication, as high as 59%.

With nocturnal enuresis, or bedwetting, the alarm works in about 2/3 of children, but half of them wind up wetting the bed again when they stop using it. It can also take up to 4 months to work, and requires a lot of parental involvement and supervision… not to mention waking up the entire household!

The problem with medication and the alarm is that they don’t teach kids how to be dry on their own by paying attention to their own, natural body signals. 

Keeping the Bed Dry®has been shown to work faster than an alarm and is as effective as medication, with no side effects.

In fact, your child could be dry as soon as tonight!

If your child is motivated to stop wetting the bed, then Keeping the Bed Dry® is the easiest, simplest, fastest, and most effective way to help them.

I invite you to provide this opportunity to rid your life of child or teen bedwetting for good.

Child and Teen Bedwetting can prevent overnight activities such as camping

Created by renowned medical hypnotherapist & pediatrician Jeff Lazarus, MD, Keeping the Bed Dry® teaches your child a natural bedwetting solution through self-hypnosis.

Are you feeling frustrated and upset about your child’s bedwetting?

Does your child wake up feeling embarrassed and discouraged about the bedwetting?

Our simple program, when practiced regularly, has been proven to double the number of dry nights a child experiences each month, with dramatic improvements made as quickly as the first night.

Most doctors recommend costly medications or disruptive alarms, which can make children dependent on external factors in order to remain dry.

Keeping the Bed Dry is a self-guided medical hypnosis program that showed significant improvement in dry nights without any side effects in a landmark study.

Bedwetting Hypnosis as Taught by Keeping the Bed Dry® has been Medically Proven as an Effective Treatment by Research Scientists.

We always knew that Keeping the Bed Dry® had helped hundreds of families (see our testimonials), and published medical studies have been giving us data proving its effectiveness for treating bedwetting. 

Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal articles supporting our approach:

Here’s what happy parents have to say about Keeping the Bed Dry®

Within the first month of starting the program, she was waking up dry 50%, when prior to that she wasn’t able to stay dry at all.

As of today, which is 6 months after we started the program, I’m so glad to report that my daughter has been dry the past 2 months! So, she became completely dry in less than 4 months!

— Parent of 9-year-old

Watching this program was the only thing that helped my 10 year old son.

Two months after completing the program, he still occasionally has accidents, but he went from nearly every night to maybe once a week at most, so we are extremely grateful!

— Parent of 10-year-old

All doubt as to if it works or not left me when I saw my son take control of something that had control of him.

I was so proud of him and I will be forever grateful to Dr. Lazarus for caring enough about my son to share this gift with him.

— Parent of 9-year-old

This experience has boosted my son’s confidence in ways that I did not anticipate.

He is proud of himself, and feels empowered and capable and grown-up. He wakes up strutting in his boxers in the morning, instead of hiding in the corner, peeling off a wet Pull-Up.

— Mom & Pediatrician

We are now just over 2 months into using the program and in the last 30 days, he has only had 3 accidents.

We are overjoyed with this progress and I am sure it will continue to improve until he no longer has accidents at all. I honestly would not have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it myself.

— Parent of 11-year-old